4 secrets to selling your articles like hot cakes on dotWriter™!

Presenting 4 sure fire ways to sell your articles on dotWriter™

We hope you are making the best of dotWriter™ to advance your career as a freelance content writer. Here are a few tips to help you sell your articles like hot cakes at dotWriter™’s Premium Content Marketplace –

1. Create Marketable Content

When buyers come to a content marketplace, they look for pieces of content which can help them get more traffic to their website / blog. Hence by creating articles which are to-the-point and help sell an idea or product – you are increasing the chances of selling off your article faster!

This also means creating articles from a third person’s perspective, refraining from giving personal accounts and a first person narrative.

Mandatory guidelines for submitting articles to dotWriter™’s Content Marketplace

2. Create SEO driven Headings and Articles

While Search Engine Optimization may not be every writer’s forte – in the digital age, it’s a must to know the basics! So while creating your article, make sure that it revolves around a central keyword or string of keywords and include it in your article’s heading and summary. This way a buyer will know that article has been carefully crafted for marketing products related to that specific keyword only. 

For example, if you are creating an article about ‘Five places you must see in Australia on your next trip’

The keywords here would be – Australia, places to see in Australia, top places to see in Australia and so on. By scattering these keywords through your article, you can make sure that once purchased, the buyer will compelled to come back for picking up your second article – owing to it’s impact!

The second thing you need to keep in mind is creating a summary with the main keywords included in the article. Since the article in this case is, ‘Five places you must see in Australia on your next trip’ – the places you are talking about also become keywords. It’s highly advisable to use these keywords in your summary, making the objective of the articles absolutely clear.

Get Basic SEO Tips for creating content for dotWriter™

3. Create Timeless Content

What do you think has a higher chance of getting picked off a content marketplace? A news piece that was written a week ago or a piece of evergreen content? 99% of the times it’s going to be the latter as buyers are always looking for articles which can add value to their blog / website in the long run. 

Creating evergreen content doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be simple things like – 

5 technological inventions which changed the course of humanity

Basics of content marketing on the internet

Top 10 beauty secrets for younger skin

and so on…

Download dotWriter™’s ultimate checklist for writers 

4. Create Compelling Headings & Summaries

When shopping for articles, buyers have only two deciding factors – heading and article summary. So by creating strong and compelling headings and summaries which convey a gist of your article, you are making sure that the buyer knows exactly what your article is about – without reading it.

We hope you put these tips from our Editor’s desk to good use! For more writing tips, check out – 7 lessons from Stephen King’s On Writing to become a better writer

Submit Articles to dotWriter™’s Premium Content Marketplace