Summary:When caught in accident, many people do run short of options. Many do grumble on the next course of action to take because the tragedy can be so fatal. Seeking the services of a counsel is of much help as he or she will advice accordingly on the next course of action to be taken.
Learn whether a salaried employee is entitled to overtime and whether a salaried employees pay can ever be reduced pursuant to the federal wage and hour law, the Fair Labor Standards Act.
An employee is entitled to different rights. If any of the rights is violated, you can seek legal help.
Among these rights include right to join a workers union, public holidays and leaves, working parent rights, minimum wage and deductions protection and trial period protection among others.
The use of social media in doing business has made communication easier. Law firms are not left behind in using the social platforms as it makes it easy to work. This piece gives an insight on some benefits of using social media in law firms.