The Importance Of A Viable Blueprint during This Pandemic

Price: $ 11.16

Title: The Importance Of A Viable Blueprint during This Pandemic
Article Price: $ 11.16
Written by:
lilian joy
Writing Style: Friendly
Article Length: 372 words
  • Blueprint (2%)
  • Pandemic (2%)
  • Time (2%)
  • Routine (2%)
  • Disease (2%)
  • Coronavirus (1%)
  • Covid- (1%)
  • Home (1%)
  • From (1%)
  • During (1%)
  • Viable (1%)
  • Importance (1%)
Summary: Having coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has disrupted every routine, and creating a good workable blueprint will go a long way in upholding lucidity at home. children thrive in routine.
a good blueprint should be;
1. school-like as that; is what is familiar
2. should have roles assigned.
4. Be Fun Educative
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