3 reasons why you need to update your website content now!
The first month of 2020 is over and we hope that it was eventful and helped meet your business goals for the month. While we cruise into February, it’s time to shift gears and take hold of your content marketing strategy as you zoom into the year.
We’ve outlined 3 main reasons why you need to upload fresh articles/blogposts to your website today!

1. Rapid changes
This applies to not only the world scenario but also to the ripple effect it has on global businesses. It’s important that your brand consistently provides updated content according to the global atmosphere so that it’s abreast with the times and doesn’t lag behind.

2. Think, billions!
Yes, you read that right. As of January 2020, there are over 4.5 billion internet users with the average user clocking in around 6 hours a day surfing the internet. That is a HUGE target audience and just imagine what carefully, curated content aimed at just a fraction of this number can do to your business!

3. Consistency is the key!
Don’t be complacent, there is limited time in each day, use it wisely. Plan a detailed content strategy for each month, track your performance, work on areas of improvement, stay up-to-date with the latest content algorithm updates and see what works best for our business.
It’s easy to get distracted, but let’s always remember, content is king! Treat your business like royalty and ensure storytelling reflects what your business stands for, all through the content you add up each week. Don’t be left behind in the world wide web by thinking that fresh, updated, SEO content has no place in your business model. Pay closer attention to your content calendar today and reap the benefits of investing your time and resources in this time-tested marketing technique that will, in turn, enable you to stay ahead of your competition.
At dotWriter™, you can pick Editor-approved & Copyscape checked, SEO-friendly articles from our vast marketplace or place custom jobs, all in a hassle-free and timely manner. We want to help you minimise your time & energy in sourcing quality content so that you can spend more time on other aspects of growing your business or maybe spend quality time with your loved ones. So what are you waiting for? The success of your business is just a click away!