What’s new on dotWriter™?
We hope each one of you are having a wonderful 2018 and with a new year, we are happy to reveal some new updates to help you in your dotWriter™ journey:
1. Writer Guidelines & Buyer Guidelines
Important tips in ensuring your article meets the standards set on dotWriter™ and guides you in churning out and receiving great content.

2. Writer medals
Now proudly flaunt your writer level on dotWriter™. Find the medal next to your name on your content page.

3. Editor’s Pick
The crème de la crème content pieces get this coveted badge to let buyers know that this is a must-buy article!

4. Preview of first words
Now, only registered users with a minimum balance of $20 can view the first words of your article and buy it in one click.

5. Related Articles
Buyers get to view articles similar to the one they intend to buy and can “Add to cart” without going on the article page!

All these features (and more to come) have been implemented keeping you and your growth in mind. Here’s to 2018 being an amazing year!