6 Tips to generate more leads from your company blog

getting more traffic from company blog

Make the most of your company/ business blog with these traffic maximization tips!

One of the first things a website owner does is getting their blog up and running so that they can expand their traffic through a good content marketing strategy.  But sourcing leads from your company blog does not stop at just having good quality content. Here are five tips to help you get more customers from your company blog –

1. Add a CTA on your blog

You’ve managed to capture your audience with your knowledge and have piqued their interest in your product with your content. But what next? Lead them on to your products / services with a compelling Click To Action (CTA).

2. Leverage slide-in CTAs

You’re reading and scrolling towards the bottom of a blog post, when a box in the lower right-hand corner of the page slides in, this is what some refer to as a ‘slide-in CTA.’ This can be extremely helpful in offering your potential customers a bait aka exclusive content. The trick is to offer an in-depth analysis into the free content your provide.

3. Answer those pending comments!

Spend 10 mins. a day answering user queries on your blog to see it flourish into a buzzing platform in no time. This may seem as a waste of time, but remember trusting users = guaranteed customers.

4. Add links to other articles with an article

The best way to keep a potential customer engaged is by feeding them more information related to what they’re looking for. Research shows that more time spent on site always ups chances of conversion.

5. Offer exclusive content

Just because everyone offers free content doesn’t mean you can’t hold back a little for readers who offer a little more in exchange for your content. Tease your readers with exclusive content which can help them a lot more than your free content. How? Ask them to signup for the exclusive content with their contact details so that you can use that to reach out to them later with niche content. This will help build trust in your readers who will then convert into customers as they believe that your are the best!

6. Add an exit pop-up to your blog

Make one last attempt to retain your potential customer by asking them why they’re leaving and maybe convert them with the help of an exit pop-up. Don’t be disappointed if most users hit the ‘cross’, most blogs which use this method report that of 100 readers who exit their blog, 7 actually interact with the exit pop-up out of which 1 – 2 users might convert if their lead is picked up in a timely manner!

Lastly, keep your blog updated with regular content to keep the traffic coming! More traffic means more potential customers and brand recognition. An easy way to keep your blog updated is by sourcing quick, ready-to-use content through dotWriter™’s Content Marketplace. We have 1000+ articles spread across 30 content categories! And in case you’re looking for something specific, you can always order a Custom Article through your dotWriter™ dashboard.

Explore dotWriter™’s Content Marketplace or get Custom Content through your dotWriter™ dashboard